Referencing Frank O’Hara’s ‘metaphysical poem’, my work I Think I’d Fall Apart Any Place Else is a collection of ceramic translations; of my desires, daydreams, impulses, emotions and associations through the materiality of ceramics. It is a manifestation of thoughts around cause-and-effect, miscommunication and distance, immediacy and intimacy.
Ceramics carry with them a history of humanity both in their past and future. Function in many ways, facilitating and revealing the cultures from which they belong. This potential capacity they have to carry the unseen and unheard experiences of existence fascinates me.
I hope that the communication and interaction between the vessels in this work transport the viewer to other times, cultures and past experiences. That the interaction between the objects and the viewer somehow help reveal each others identities as we too are vessels from multiple voices, the antecedents of possible selves, take form.